Category: Attorney Resources

July 1, 2010

Today, I’ll be departing from my usual posts on tips for lawyers involving car accidents or Michigan’s No-Fault law. A friend recently e-mailed me a link to the “Web’s Worst Lawyer Commercials.” I have to admit, I was laughing out loud at some. But mostly, I was cringing and thinking to myself, “Of course, these …

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March 24, 2010

Both lawyers Brian Bornstein and my friend from Texas, Steve Laird, recently commented on my observations about the critical connection between traumatic brain injury and chronic pain in The Jury Expert. It is a connection that most personal injury lawyers miss. The Jury Expert is an online litigation advocacy publication. The article that started the …

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March 16, 2010

Rule of the Road No. 6 – Truck Accident Attorneys Show How to Identify Driver Fatigue A recent survey states that 20 percent of truck drivers nationwide admitted to falling asleep at the wheel in a given month. This stat comes at no surprise to our truck accident lawyers, who frequently handle horrible truck crash …

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October 28, 2008

In a recent blog, “Vote for Judge Diane Hathaway in the Michigan Supreme Court Election,” I discussed the importance of voting for a judge that’s independent and not beholden to powerful insurance companies. As Election Day draws near, it’s imperative that voters do their homework, and hopefully take the advice of the car accident lawyers …

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May 14, 2008

We have frequently discussed many of the simply outrageous legal decisions that have been issued in recent years by four justices of the Michigan Supreme Court. Decisions such as Kreiner, Cameron, and Devillers have essentially destroyed the fundamental principles underlying Michigan’s no fault auto insurance system over the past decade. We’re not alone. On March …

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February 1, 2008

I was interviewed today by the Michigan Lawyers Weekly about an important new auto accident decision released December 27, 2007, called Benefiel v. Auto Owners Insurance Company. For Michigan lawyers who litigate automobile accident cases, this is the first case to analyze what the Michigan Supreme Court meant when it wrote in Kreiner v. Fischer …

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