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Lawyer Steve Gursten on NPR: How much will No Fault reform really cost drivers?

May 16, 2013 by Steven M. Gursten

Steven M. Gursten, head of Michigan Auto Law, was recently a guest on the Lester Graham Show, on NPR Michigan Radio. Steve and Mr. Graham discussed Gov. Rick Snyder’s efforts to enact No Fault “reform” to the Michigan auto  insurance system through House Bill 4612.

Steve told Mr. Graham that the current No Fault reform proposals will do nothing to reduce the cost of auto insurance in the long run, as the auto insurance industry would like Michigan residents to believe:

“For, really, a promise of one-time savings for one year of basically between $125 and $150, we’re going to essentially dismantle the crown jewel of insurance systems in the United States with absolutely no guarantee that rates will be lower starting a year from now.”

Here’s the full story on NPR Michigan Radio: Could changes to auto Personal Injury Protection cost more than they save?


Related information:

Michigan No Fault Reform Resource Center

Blog: NPR – Will changes to No Fault auto insurance cost more than they save?

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