Michigan Auto Law Car Accident Lawyer Reviews and Testimonials

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Over  2,000  5-Star  Reviews

Why have Michigan Auto Law attorneys received over 2,000 five-star reviews? Because we provide consistent personalized, responsive attention to our clients. We work hard to keep our clients informed during every step of the case process, answering every question in a timely fashion and doing everything we can to make a challenging time easier.

From the very first call, when I contacted Michigan Auto Law, I knew this was the firm I needed to handle my case. From Mickey, Josh, Jackie, and Amber, I received the best information, knowledge, and help from start to finish. I also appreciate the efficiency of how the case was handled.

I can say that Michigan Auto Law is number one and best in class. Do yourself a favor and call them!
Aseel Al-Dahhan, Dearborn Heights, MI
Kevin, Alex, and Elize were amazing! They always answered my questions and helped with everything along the way.

Great communication and great lawyers! I highly recommend them!
Dana Prieskorn, Clinton Township, MI
I called several attorney offices after my accident. When I called Michigan Auto Law, I knew this was the firm I would choose. It was evident with the very first phone call. My attorney Josh was very specific, to the point, clear, and concise. In turn, he is also thoughtful, pleasant, and had great follow through. There were no hiccups for me through the entire process. Michigan Auto Law is the only firm I will ever recommend, along with being the first and only firm I will ever call if I am involved in another auto accident.
Eric Richard, Benton Harbor, MI
I can go on and on about the entire staff and will not be able to repay everything they did for me, as soon as I entered Michigan Auto Law’s building, I felt I was in the right place! front desk was very welcoming and everyone there was smiling and very nice.

I am so grateful for Michigan Auto Law for helping me get through my case, honestly, I would give them 10 stars if I could.
Fadi Esho, Sterling Heights, MI

You were amazing and kept us all informed through the process.

I would recommend you to anyone.
Gary Courtney, Battle Creek, MI

I had an amazing time working with this law firm.

Very smooth sailing, professional, and committed to getting you your highest pay out!
Jaelynn R., Wayne, MI

Awesome lawyers and great communication.

Love this group of people..you could do no wrong in picking them to stand for justice..Kevin and Alex are there for you..

love you all melissa 5 stars plus.
Melissa B., Applegate, MI
I highly recommend Michigan Auto Law.

Kevin Seiferheld & Alex Kemp are excellent Attorneys and always very professional. I also want to say thank you to Elize and Daniella for their hard work.

I highly recommend this firm and was happy with my results. Thank you.
Pete Gennero, Macomb Township, MI
I hired an attorney when I got into an accident. I started to regret my decision and decided to look for another firm. That’s what I found Michigan Auto Law. Everything I was lacking from my old firm, is what I found in Michigan Auto Law. My attorney Chris helped to guide me through the entire process. Chris made sure to make the focus my health and recovery. He handled all the heavy lifting. I have already referred several people from my job to Michigan Auto Law.
Quiana Glenn, Westland, MI

As you read through the Michigan car accident lawyer reviews and testimonials from past clients about Michigan Auto Law, you’ll notice something that comes across in every Michigan car accident lawyer review – the compassion and respect with which we treat our clients. When we represent you, your concerns become our concerns and we treat you with prompt attention and respect.

While our firm is large enough to handle the most complicated case, our attorneys still provide personalized, responsive attention to our clients. We believe in keeping our clients informed every step of the way, answering every question, and making their experience as painless as possible.

Don’t take our word for it, though. Read our Michigan car accident lawyer reviews on Google, Yelp and Facebook from clients and other professionals who have successfully settled their cases.

“While traveling in the Midwest, I was rear ended on a Michigan Freeway. Myself and countless others were at a standstill in construction traffic. Upon the arrival of Law Enforcement, I was advised that the individual who hit me had no insurance and unbeknownst to me Michigan is a “No Fault State,” at the time and had no idea what this meant.

During the next several months I attempted to handle matters on my own with Doctors, X-Rays, MRI’s, Physical Therapy, Insurance, Bills, etc. Finally, it became apparent that even “I was out of my league” and needed legal assistance. Over the course of five months, I was highly referred to and represented by another Michigan Attorney, who shall remain nameless. This Attorney made countless promises and commitments, until I discovered he never followed through on filing even one piece of paperwork on my behalf. This inept Attorney was severely chastised & promptly dismissed.

At this point, I began doing internet research to find “the Best Michigan Auto Accident Lawyer.” The first firm that came up in my search was Michigan Auto Law. At 8:04 PM EST on a Tuesday evening I sent an email to Michigan Auto Law’s, Attorney Steven Gursten. Very unexpectedly, I received a “personalized response,” from Attorney Gursten at 8:13 PM EST. Nine Minutes Later, Steven let me know he was in meetings all day on Wednesday; but he would have an Attorney from his firm call me the next day.

Odd but true, Attorney Jeff Bussell called and emailed me on Wednesday. Jeff Bussell and I exchanged over 50 emails between that Wednesday and Friday; doing my initial intake and contract for representation. Unfortunately, during this time I was apprised that my former Attorney, was in fact so incompetent that we were approaching a Statute of Limitations to file any legal action. I’m sharing this very prompt and proficient interaction with Attorneys Gursten and Bussell, as this is not my over 40 personal years of experience with Attorneys within any area of expertise….No One ever responds to a prospective new client like this!!! NEVER!

Thank God Michigan Auto Law agreed to take my case and began their very hands on & caring representation. If I had stayed with the other Attorney, I could have easily lost all my rights and any ability to acquire several very expensive, yet vital surgeries and additional medical treatment.

There was also no choice, I had to have these procedures or I would be permanently & severely impaired for the rest of what would easily be a very miserable existence. Having to bear the cost of these surgeries alone would have financially destroyed our family forever.

Subsequently, I was provided with a Litigation Team head up by Attorney, Kevin Seiferheld. For the remainder of my case Kevin and his Assistant Elize took my calls, returned my emails and provided extremely sound advise from beginning to end. After it was all said and done “My Champion,” Kevin Seiferheld provided the utmost legal representation possible. There was never a time, where I felt left in the dark or under educated in how my case was being handled. Never, was there one too many “Stupid Questions,” as I called them.

Kevin, Elize and their entire Team could not have been more accessible, efficient, genuine, understanding, patient, forthright or compassionate & empathetic to my injuries, never-ending physical / mental exhaustion, pain and multiple surgeries.

My case settled out of Court. My family and I could not be more grateful for Steven Gursten, Jeff Bussell, Alex Kemp and “Super Rock Stars” Kevin Seiferheld & Elize Vartanian Simon!!!!While closing out my “10 Star Review,” please know that I’m typically that person who leaves the “Bad, Horrific, Scathing, Negative 10 Star Review!” So, I encourage you to believe the words I impart as 100% truthful and heartfelt. Do not hesitate to hire this firm to represent and protect you, your health, your family and your rights.

Thank you Michigan Auto Law from the bottom of our hearts.”

Skyler Stapleton, El Dorado, CA

“TLDR: There are many slimy lawyers, particularly in the personal injury space. Michigan Auto Law is one of the few class-acts. These lawyers recognize that you are going through the worst moments of your life and advise what’s best for YOU vs what will put more money in their wallet.

In the 5+ years which I worked with the team, I could not be more pleased with my attorney Chris Hunter, or his support, Eileen Kelly and Jordan Barkley. They have truly become like family. My case lasted 5 years was due to the significant injuries requiring time to stabilize/diagnose; then, COVID started and the courts shut down for much of two years. Chris was nothing but prompt pushing the case along.

When first injured, I searched online for the best law firm. With minimal digging, the choice was clear with Michigan Auto Law because of their reviews and the legitimacy of their website/advertisements. While many other practices appeared slimy from the start, even in reviews, Michigan Auto Law had an immediate upstanding appearance. It is clear they target a certain caliber of client with genuine meat to their case vs seeking misinformed clients who the lawyer can puppet their words (and life) into whatever they wish to make money. Its unfortunate that those in a lawsuit need to be careful with the appearance of everything they do. There are a lot of lawyers who would have urged me to stay out of work far longer than I did in effort to “milk” the case. Even with my doctors advising me to stay out, Chris fully supported my decision to return for my own mental state and chance to regain normalcy in my life. He cared about my quality of life and NEVER insinuated I should hold back on living just for the risk of appearing better off than I was. He recognized I was in a terrible place and needed any joy I could grab.

Likewise, many lawyers ask clients to milk the extent of injuries. I NEVER felt the slightest pressure from Chris to speaker louder or more critically of my injuries. Never once did Chris encourage me to go to one of “his” doctors for hope of a diagnosis which leaned more severe than those by my selected doctors. I was proactive in researching my own care and so I did not need recommendations, but should I have wanted this, I am confident that he would have only named doctors to take the most action in improving my conditions. I received a settlement for my case. The amount was not life-changing nor did it “make-up” for all the suffering I had endured, but it did cover some adjustments needed in my life due to the accident so I am glad that I pursued. My case was complicated (multiple vehicles, multiple faults, none with sufficient liability coverages). My injuries were largely “invisible” (brain injury, PTSD, back pain, etc.). Chris was thorough in identifying insurance company spins and provided solid evidence to the contrary.

The unfair truth is that if you’re not missing a limb or out of work the rest of your life, it’s unlikely you will get millions of dollars for “pain”. The guidance provided by Michigan Auto Law all around was invaluable and another reason I am glad I pursued the case. I do not believe another company would have provided so much support through my recovery, which was chaotic balancing bills, insurance, doctors, work leave, etc.; all of which were firsts for me. Overall, my experience with this company was superb. From “on-boarding” to closure, I was impressed with the level of professionalism everyone, even secretaries answering the phones, had with me.

Beyond their professionalism, they are people. Chris would routinely call me, evenings and weekends, when he was aware that I may be distressed in anyway (i.e. insurance denying medical benefits, difficult medical diagnosis, general stress about suit, etc.). He made it his top priority to help me through this difficult time, all while exemplifying a top-notch attorney whose years experience are clear by all the tricks he employed to hold insurance companies.”

– Courtney T., Riverview, MI

“My husband was killed in an automobile accident involving a gravel hauler truck on the freeway. The left front steer tire of the gravel hauler blew on I-75 near the Rouge River bridge, and the truck hit my husband’s car, trapping him between the retaining wall and the gravel hauler. It became apparent that I needed to seek out an attorney. After interviewing four different lawyers, Steven Gursten of Michigan Auto Law stood out amongst them as the guy to go to for several reasons. There was a genuine nature about Steve. He was exceptionally easy to talk with and an incredible listener. Of course his knowledge and the know how to get the job done was apparent. He treated me with a real sense of kindness as an individual and not a potential case. Steve settled my husband’s case out of court so I didn’t have to go through a trial. Throughout the whole process, Steve went above and beyond my expectations in terms of his hard work to uncover the truths of the matter and all of the things the trucking company did that were unsafe and contributed to the accident. Steve treated me with a lot of respect. He responded to my questions and phone calls very promptly. I never felt like he was in a hurry to get me off the phone. He listened to everything I had to say all the time. In terms of when I had to give my deposition, he prepared me and was next to me every step of the way. That was also the case when I had to go to court before the judge for the settlement. It made me feel very safe. Steve gave me confidence and the strength to get up there and do what I had to do. He did so much research and he explored every possible avenue to get me the best settlement possible. He worked very hard for me. Along the way, he kept me informed of the status of everything.

I would say if anybody is involved in an automobile accident involving trucks or other commercial vehicles, to not hesitate to contact Steve. You will not be let down. If you’ve done your homework and investigated attorneys, Steve is the obvious right choice. I walked out of his office knowing it was a no-brainer decision to go with him. It was the right thing to do for my family, in the wake of such a terrible accident and traumatic time in our lives. I felt it in my heart, and I was right. Another thing I would like to note is that even after the case was closed, Steve is still here for me with advice and all the time I need.”

– Lynda Nunez, Riverview, MI

“The entire group of professionals that handled my case at Michigan Auto Law worked tirelessly for me. They helped me to turn one of the worst experiences of my life into something that will help me and my family overcome the challenge that we face daily, after the auto accident. I can not say enough great things about this wonderful group of people, and I would recommend Michigan Auto Law to anyone who finds themselves in the same situation.”

– Ronald LaGorio, Macomb, MI

“I found Michigan Auto Law through Google. I spoke with a few different law firms, but Michigan Auto Law was the only firm that was clear and decisive about my rights and legal options. They gave me hope that I could make it through my injuries and that I would come out OK on the other side. After speaking with Brandon, he had me with Tom Baker and his team right away. They helped me understand my claims and calmed my confusion regarding my medical treatment. No matter how many questions I had, Tom always took the time to explain things to me. They called every month, even while I was in the hospital. The sense of security I had over the last few years knowing my attorneys were fighting for me was confirmed when my case settled far beyond anything I could have expected. I would like to think that was because of who my attorneys were. Thank you to Tom Baker and all of Michigan Auto Law.”

– Danielle W., Grand Rapids, MI

“My husband, Glenn, was in a serious car accident in February of 2022. A truck drove
into oncoming traffic, and hit my husband head on at 55 mph. Tom and his team were beyond helpful assisting us during such a difficult time. Tonya, Lori, and Tom communicated very well, as it was easy to get in contact with the entire team when needed and they responded in a timely manner. They were friendly and professional at all times. Tom thoroughly explained the process, and gave us an accurate timeline of when each step in the settlement would occur. Tom took the time to answer our questions through the entirety of the process. Tom was forthcoming, honest, and easy to work with. We highly recommend Tom and his team, as they made an awful time easier to deal with due to their positive mindsets. We were very satisfied with the results.”

Glenn & Olivia Thompson, Greenville, MI

“I lost the most important person in my world due to someone else’s negligence. I didn’t know what to do or how to make sense of it. Staying up with my thoughts until 3am, I knew that if I didn’t reach out for legal help when it was top of mind I might never do it, so I called Michigan Auto Law right then and there. They put me at ease and started my case right away. They took care of the insurance claim and legal process so I could focus on my family. There is no amount of money that can bring her back to me, but what Tom Baker and Jeremy Tiedt were able to do will help us in finding some peace and closure.”

Michael McKee, Three Rivers, MI

Auto Accident Lawyer:

Michigan Auto Law Michigan Auto Law
(734) 622-8102 $$$
Jun 27, 2024
Thank you so much to Laura Skenderas and her team at Michigan Auto Law. They were kind, helpful, and provided the right advice for my case. I highly recommend them to anyone who has been in an accident. Definitely the best choice!
Michigan Auto Law Michigan Auto Law
(248) 353-7575 $$$
Jun 27, 2024
I want to thank Josh Terebelo and Jordan Ewald and team for all their hard work in assisting me during a very difficult time in my life following a car accident. Their dedication to my case and well being during this time was unmatched. They made sure to keep me involved every step of the way, with great communication and great results. Thanks again everyone at Michigan Auto Law!
Michigan Auto Law Michigan Auto Law
(248) 353-7575 $$$
Jun 27, 2024
My daughter’s father passed away unexpectedly. Joshua and everyone else on his team helped direct me through this hard time and get what I needed to get my daughter what she deserves. Highly recommend. Even with a little family drama Josh sticks by your side and always does what he can to uphold the truth and get stuff done. This was first experience having to hire a lawyer for anything, I’m hoping I’ll never have to go through anything like this again, but if I do I know who I can call
Michigan Auto Law Michigan Auto Law
(248) 353-7575 $$$
Jun 25, 2024
I called MI Auto Law hoping someone could give me some answers to my questions. They were quick to respond and answer my questions. Though they could not help will my case, they pointed me to an Independent Small Claims Adjuster (Claims Plus) who was able to increase the amount of money my totaled car was to paid out by double.
Michigan Auto Law Michigan Auto Law
(248) 353-7575 $$$
Jun 21, 2024
Thank you for putting me in touch with Scott Watson. He was so much help in getting more money for my vehicle. Thank You! Kenneth Adkins
Michigan Auto Law Michigan Auto Law
(248) 353-7575 $$$
Jun 12, 2024
I was struck by a vehicle while lawfully crossing the street in a marked crosswalk, leaving me with painful injuries. After the accident, I knew I needed expert legal representation, so I turned to Michigan Auto Law. Working with attorney Joshua Terebelo was the best decision I could have made. From our very first meeting, Mr. Terebelo demonstrated his extensive knowledge of pedestrian accident cases and Michigan's auto laws. He took the time to listen to all the details of my accident, answering my questi...
Michigan Auto Law Michigan Auto Law
(248) 353-7575 $$$
Jun 10, 2024
To say Josh Terebelo and Jordan Ewald were completely amazing to work with is an extreme understatement! The moment I met with them, they set me at ease and communicated clearly. The honesty and availability of them both was unparalleled. Whenever I reached out with a question or concern, I was reached out to in a timely manner and communicated with patiently until I understood, and my questions were addressed to my liking. Their professionalism and knowledge gave me the confidence through the whole process...
Michigan Auto Law Michigan Auto Law
(248) 353-7575 $$$
Jun 6, 2024
My attorneys Kevin and Alex were top notch no games and fought like I was their only client... Made me feel amazing and was happy and ecstatic about the outcome of my case.. would recommend them to ANYONE looking for a top notch attorney that will fight for them and still make you feel important... 💯 Awesome lawyers 👍🏻🤘🏻
Michigan Auto Law Michigan Auto Law
(248) 353-7575 $$$
Jun 3, 2024
I am so thankful I chose Michigan Auto Law to handle my case. I knew I was in good hands from the first call. I felt heard and supported by everyone who worked with me through this process, from Brandon Hewitt, Jeff Bussell, Chris Hunter, and their supporting staff. I especially want to thank Chris Hunter who worked diligently on my behalf. Chris is a top-notch attorney who will get the job done. He was easy to talk to, and always made himself available whenever I had any questions or concerns. I highly re...
Michigan Auto Law Michigan Auto Law
(248) 353-7575 $$$
May 28, 2024
Kevin and Alex did a good job with my case with what it was
Michigan Auto Law Michigan Auto Law
(248) 353-7575 $$$
May 23, 2024
Chris, Jordan and Latrice at Michigan Auto Law helped me settle my lawsuit for the full amount. They helped me along the way and made the long, outdrawn process bearable. I highly recommend Michigan auto law!
Michigan Auto Law Michigan Auto Law
(248) 353-7575 $$$
May 23, 2024
I am incredibly grateful to have had the privilege of working with Joshua Teredelo and Jordan Ewald. Their dedication, professionalism, and unwavering attention to detail made a significant difference in my case. From our very first meeting, I felt heard and understood. The team was always available to answer my questions, provide updates, and offer reassurance during every step of the legal process. What sets them apart is their genuine care for their clients. They went above and beyond to ensure that I w...
Michigan Auto Law Michigan Auto Law
(248) 353-7575 $$$
May 9, 2024
Michigan Auto Law Michigan Auto Law
(734) 622-8102 $$$
Apr 27, 2024
Brandon and Jeremy are good people and good listeners. They took my case and got me the settlement I deserved. Thank you for your hard work!
Michigan Auto Law Michigan Auto Law
(248) 353-7575 $$$
Apr 24, 2024
Having never been in an accident to the severity I was in, let alone needing to have a lawyer, I would highly recommend Michigan Auto Law. From the initial consultation to the final settlement, they were there every step of the way. Their team is very compassionate and determined. Jordan was the absolute best and I cannot thank her enough. Always checking in on me and explaining everything. Hopefully, I never have to go through this ever again, but if I ever do, I know who to turn to. Thank you Michigan Aut...
Michigan Auto Law Michigan Auto Law
(248) 353-7575 $$$
Apr 23, 2024
I would like to thank Michigan Auto Law and the team members for giving me the support and believing in me and my situation. I was treated like family and that I really appreciate thank you. Sincerely yours -Storm
Michigan Auto Law Michigan Auto Law
(248) 353-7575 $$$
Apr 23, 2024
From the first day that I met with the team at Michigan Auto Law , I have experienced the best service. Not once have I any doubt that Jordan Ewald and Josh hasn't had my best interest at the fore front. If I don't know something they quickly explain and help me to understand . I trust the firm to not only handle my case , I have referred family and friends to the firm ; due to my trust in their abilities
Michigan Auto Law Michigan Auto Law
(313) 923-1603 $$$
Apr 22, 2024
Very grateful for my results and was beyond pleased with my attorney Tom James. He was kind,and made sure I was kept in the loop at all times.
Michigan Auto Law Michigan Auto Law
(313) 923-1603 $$$
Apr 22, 2024
Josh was more the willing to take our case and was willing to help us right away. Not only did he help us get as much money as possible with our case he was very understanding of any inconveniences that may have happened in our life
Michigan Auto Law Michigan Auto Law
(248) 353-7575 $$$
Apr 18, 2024
Michigan Auto Law has been a pleasure to work with. They took my case in a matter of hours after it occurred. Richard Moore himself is wonderful individual, very dedicated to his career, and knows how to present himself in a professional yet personal way.
Michigan Auto Law Michigan Auto Law
(248) 353-7575 $$$
Apr 17, 2024
We initially reached out to Michigan Auto Law after being involved in a serious car accident. We spoke in length with the intake specialist and we were advised to call Scott Watson, Auto claims negotiator. He reviewed the Vehicle valuation and was able to negotiate with the insurance company the value of our totaled vehicle. He seen the bogus insurance games( because they don't want to pay out) and called them out. Resulting in thousands more in the value, so we didn't end up losing money on a vehicle we j...
Michigan Auto Law Michigan Auto Law
(248) 353-7575 $$$
Apr 17, 2024
I would like to personally thank Michigan Auto Law attorneys Thomas James and Richard Moore for their services. Thomas and Richard were very professional, highly knowledgeable, and extremely supportive. They returned my phone calls promptly and kept me informed every step of the way, throughout the entire process of my case. Unfortunately, I was involved in a motor vehicle rear-end collision. But, fortunately I had Thomas and Richard representing my case, which resulted in a settlement agreement. If you’r...
Michigan Auto Law Michigan Auto Law
(248) 353-7575 $$$
Apr 15, 2024
I would recommend Michigan Auto Law to anyone who needs an attorney after an auto accident. Kevin Seiferheld and the rest of his team made this as easy for me as possible. Kevin was always available and spent as much time as I needed to answer all my questions. He was knowledgeable of the process and understanding of what I was going through. Thank you for all of your help!
Michigan Auto Law Michigan Auto Law
(248) 353-7575 $$$
Apr 12, 2024
The claim specialist Scott was fast and got me a fair appraisal for my truck!
Michigan Auto Law Michigan Auto Law
(313) 923-1603 $$$
Apr 4, 2024
Hard working firm, that’s actually cares about you. Communication is great as well as the people 100% recommend. Thank You for your services!
Michigan Auto Law Michigan Auto Law
(734) 622-8102 $$$
Apr 3, 2024
I met with an accident where the opposite party was at fault. I suffered a lot through the recovery process undergoing surgeries, work loss and family life was compromised. I approached Michigan Autolaw, the lawyers and other staff are very approachable. They guided me through the process of insurance reimbursement for my medical bills, work loss, personal injury claim. I am very happy with the outcome of my case. The process has been least stressful and I attribute the credit to my attorneys Kevin Seiferhe...
Michigan Auto Law Michigan Auto Law
(313) 923-1603 $$$
Apr 3, 2024
Joshua T. Was an outstanding help when it came to getting the assistance we needed after getting into our car accident. He was very kindhearted and treated us with respect while providing us with a great amount of help. If I could give him more stars, I would. The whole team was wonderful and I would highly recommend getting assisted by Michigan auto law.
Michigan Auto Law Michigan Auto Law
(248) 353-7575 $$$
Apr 2, 2024
Joshua handled my case and did an amazing job. Very professional and informative from beginning to end with every step explained in a way that we could understand. All of the office staff were great as well. I will be recommending them to others for sure!
Michigan Auto Law Michigan Auto Law
(248) 353-7575 $$$
Apr 2, 2024
Short story - Best Lawyers in Michigan. Long Story- My family suffered from the death of our mother in an Auto Accident. The remainder of the family was my brother, sister and I. Initially, I was brought in by Gursten himself and was listened to intently. Shortly after my case was taken, I was met with Jordan Barkey and Christopher Hunter. Now.. I like to consider myself as an intellectual but these two men put me to shame. I have worked with them side by side for years and at the end of every conversatio...
Michigan Auto Law Michigan Auto Law
(248) 353-7575 $$$
Apr 1, 2024
Michigan Auto Law Michigan Auto Law
(248) 353-7575 $$$
Mar 29, 2024
Our son was fatally struck by an automobile while crossing a street just a few blocks away from home. Our family was devastated by this terrible life changing event. We not only wanted but needed justice for our very much loved one. I made a call to Michigan Auto Law Office and received immediate assistance. Attorney Joshua Terebelo and partner Jordan Ewald were very attentive as they listened to our desperate plea for help. Their ongoing heartfelt compassion, care and understanding helped to ease the pain....
Michigan Auto Law Michigan Auto Law
(248) 353-7575 $$$
Mar 29, 2024
So late so sorry. First I would like to thank Michigan auto law as a whole, love the experience. I would truly like to thank Mr. Chris Hunter for all his hard work and due diligence working on my case. It was a couple of times that I wish Chris would have been more attentive, and answer my calls. But truth be told I didn't truly understand the magnitude of his case load. But I will say he has one hell of assistance Ms. Paris Muhammad!!! From start to finish, if Chris was In trial Ms Muhammad answer the phon...
Michigan Auto Law Michigan Auto Law
(248) 353-7575 $$$
Mar 26, 2024
Joshua terebelo & Jordan Ewald the best big help for both of them and I’m happy I been a client of the best lawyers tnx you
Michigan Auto Law Michigan Auto Law
(313) 923-1603 $$$
Mar 25, 2024
I absolutely have to give a five star review! The team I worked with was extremely easy to talk with, I felt comfortable when discussing certain topics.I appreciate how welcoming they were and how far they went to get the job done. Thank you again so much it was such a pleasure working with you guy's!!!
Michigan Auto Law Michigan Auto Law
(248) 353-7575 $$$
Mar 21, 2024
Michigan Auto Law referred me to Scott Watson to negotiate the insurance payout on my car that was a total loss. He ended up coming to an agreement for nearly double what insurance originally offered. I am very happy with that result!
Michigan Auto Law Michigan Auto Law
(248) 353-7575 $$$
Mar 21, 2024
Hired Michigan Auto Law for an auto accident. I was satisfied with their ability and the attention they gave to me to help with an extremely difficult time for me. They did not nickle and dime the settlement. I was paid fairly and am extremely happy with the time they spent with my family and I.
Michigan Auto Law Michigan Auto Law
(248) 353-7575 $$$
Mar 18, 2024
I truly enjoyed my experience with Scott Watson!! I had recieved an unfair offer from the auto insurance for my car after it was deemed as a total loss by the insurance company. I called Michigan Auto Law and told them what was going on and was connected to Scott Watson. Wow! He eleviated all the stress and anxiety that this situation brings! He knew exactly what to do and took charge of the process of negotiating with the auto insurance for a fair appraisal of my total loss vehicle. He was successfu...
Michigan Auto Law Michigan Auto Law
(248) 353-7575 $$$
Mar 15, 2024
Michigan Auto Law Michigan Auto Law
(734) 622-8102 $$$
Mar 13, 2024
They were very helpful and kept me informed on my case as well as having the most compassion after my accident
Michigan Auto Law Michigan Auto Law
(248) 353-7575 $$$
Mar 11, 2024
Michigan Auto Law Michigan Auto Law
(248) 353-7575 $$$
Mar 8, 2024
It has been an extraordinary experience with Mr. Joshua Terebelo of Michigan Auto Law who help my bike accident. Josh has been very honest, timely, and constructive, as a professional with high ethical standards. With my very limited knowledge on all issues involved, Josh is always patient. I am luck to have him to represent me to resolve all the issues within a short time. He can be trusted.
Michigan Auto Law Michigan Auto Law
(248) 353-7575 $$$
Mar 6, 2024
Jordan Ewald and Josh Terebelo were amazing handling my case. I do not think I would have seen any money from my accident if it weren’t for these great lawyers. I cannot recommend them highly enough for handling cases in an empathetic, efficient, and hands-on way.
Michigan Auto Law Michigan Auto Law
(248) 353-7575 $$$
Mar 6, 2024
Our experience with Michigan Auto Law was nothing less than amazing. Barb Nichols was extremely helpful in the communication process. She was always available to relay questions to the attorneys and make sure we always had a status for our case. The attorney's are professional and knowledgeable in their areas of expertise. If we could give them 10 stars we would. If you're looking for legal representation, Michigan Auto Law is the place to go.
Michigan Auto Law Michigan Auto Law
(248) 353-7575 $$$
Mar 5, 2024
My attorney was patient and explained every step of this process. I appreciate that he was always willing to answer my questions. Christopher communication was top tier. My experience with this law firm was stress free.
Michigan Auto Law Michigan Auto Law
(248) 353-7575 $$$
Mar 5, 2024
I am writing this review to express my deepest gratitude to Josh Terebelo and Jordan Ewald at Michigan Auto Law. Their assistance during my difficult time following a motor vehicle accident was not just professional, but also compassionate and dedicated. I was treated with respect and kindness. Josh and Jordan took the time to thoroughly explain the legal process and were patient in addressing my questions and concerns. Their knowledge and expertise in automobile accident law was evident throughout our int...
Michigan Auto Law Michigan Auto Law
(248) 353-7575 $$$
Mar 4, 2024
Michigan Auto Law Michigan Auto Law
(248) 353-7575 $$$
Feb 29, 2024
Michigan Auto Law team is very friendly and helpful. I greatly appreciate everything they have done for me. They fought for me to get everything I deserve. If I ever need an auto lawyer again I’m definitely coming back.
Michigan Auto Law Michigan Auto Law
(248) 353-7575 $$$
Feb 27, 2024
Michigan Auto Law, is a top tier company! They created a smooth stress free process. If, you have injuries Michigan Auto Law is definitely the best choice. And, they were in fact referred to me, by another attorney! Seriously, put your trust in Michigan Auto Law! Highly recommended!
Michigan Auto Law Michigan Auto Law
(248) 353-7575 $$$
Feb 26, 2024
Scott Watson really cares about helping his clients and he’s very knowledgeable. I highly recommend him to anyone that needs help negotiating with insurance companies on a totaled vehicle.
Michigan Auto Law Michigan Auto Law
(248) 353-7575 $$$
Feb 24, 2024
Had an auto accident in Michigan? Michigan Auto Law is *the* law firm you can trust to get the best legal services! I was lucky to have Attorney Chris Hunter as my legal representative in the past more the two years to help me with my case. His expertise played a critical role in the satisfactory settlement of the case. In addition, or maybe because of his expertise in the field, he was able to take the pressure and sometimes anxiety from the client, so I did not worry about the case in the long process. In...
Michigan Auto Law Michigan Auto Law
(248) 353-7575 $$$
Feb 22, 2024
I experienced a very serious auto accident. The accident devastated me completely. I had Multiple herniated disks in my cervical and lumbar, and among other things brain trauma. I felt a great sense of hopelessness. Josh and Jordan ewald quickly went to work on my auto accident claim, and me as well. They assured me they would do their best for me. I must honestly state Josh exceeded all my expectations in every way. All my legal questions were timely answered and I could contact him anytime. Josh and...
Michigan Auto Law Michigan Auto Law
(248) 353-7575 $$$
Feb 21, 2024
The whole team at MI Auto Law are absolutly amazing. They are great at making you feel heard and understood. Alex Kemp was very helpful in keeping me informed on everything throughout the whole process. The secretary/front desk lady is always very helpful.
Michigan Auto Law Michigan Auto Law
(248) 353-7575 $$$
Feb 20, 2024
I was fortunate to have Chris Hunter as my attorney. No matter what the issue it was always addressed and the ultimate goal of a positive settlement even though it took much longer than I had anticipated was finally settled. We unfortunately had a Judge who believed that the blindfolded woman who stood as a symbol of balance and fairness didn't exist in his courtroom. We still prevailed. He worked tirelessly on my behalf and I thank him for his counsel. Thank YOU!!!
Michigan Auto Law Michigan Auto Law
(248) 353-7575 $$$
Feb 19, 2024
Great Attorney to work with. Very Professional, knowledgeable, and attentive to your needs and wants. Highly recommended for anyone needing representation.
Michigan Auto Law Michigan Auto Law
(248) 353-7575 $$$
Feb 8, 2024
Good service! Timely attention always answers your concerns
Michigan Auto Law Michigan Auto Law
(248) 353-7575 $$$
Feb 3, 2024
I worked with Josh Terebelo and his team for an Auto accident in June. From the first consultation call I knew I made the right choice calling Michigan Auto Law. If I ever had a question or concern it was answered very quickly and professionally. They took care of everything and made the whole process facile. I was told by many people dealing with insurance companies would be terribly stressful and a daunting process that would take forever. Not with Josh and his team, they got answers and pushed to keep c...
Michigan Auto Law Michigan Auto Law
(734) 622-8102 $$$
Feb 1, 2024
I have so much to say about Michigan Auto Law. Where do I start? For one the office is beautiful and who doesn’t want to be represented by someone that represents themselves well. Christopher Hunter is a very good lawyer. He has the best patience that a client could ask for. I know I did a review 3 yrs ago but I’m back cause I needed his assistance again. The quality of his work has not changed. I can call him and he responds promptly. He will not dodge you. But most importantly he has empathy for his clien...
Michigan Auto Law Michigan Auto Law
(248) 353-7575 $$$
Jan 30, 2024
Christopher Hunter and his team were amazing! If I could give them 10 stars, I would. I was so fortunate to have Chris as my attorney. He was a true professional and a class act. He was so sincere and I could tell he really cared. He always made himself available to answer my questions and address my concerns. Chris worked hard and always kept me informed. He was honest and direct, and he told it like it was. He was a calming force throughout this entire process. I would highly recommend Michigan Au...
Michigan Auto Law Michigan Auto Law
(248) 353-7575 $$$
Jan 24, 2024
Had a very easy time in my case from start to finish. I was laid out with all the details I needed to get the most effective care as well as having any questions I had answered. Jordan and Josh were a great help and I would definitely recommend their services for any Auto-related accidents. Thank you!
Michigan Auto Law Michigan Auto Law
(248) 353-7575 $$$
Jan 23, 2024
Joshua and Jordan were great at informing me of my options and handling my case and questions. While I hope to never need service for a matter like this again in the future I do know where I will turn if the need arises.
Michigan Auto Law Michigan Auto Law
(734) 622-8102 $$$
Jan 17, 2024
Tom and his team handled my case in a very professional manner. I ended up withdrawing my case, after a couple of months, based on the information Michigan Auto Law furnished but that was a good thing. The speed and care they took with me made me feel like I was their main client. I would definitely recommend them to any of my family and friends!
Michigan Auto Law Michigan Auto Law
(248) 353-7575 $$$
Jan 16, 2024
My experience at this the law office was up and beyond what I expected. Beliefs that I had about attorneys and law offices were not good although I have not dealt with them personally in the past but I have family members who have and it has not been a very good experience and so I can actually say with my experience with Michigan auto law it's representatives and attorneys that everyone who I was in contact with was professional respectable and diligent. I would recommend this Auto law office to family an...
Michigan Auto Law Michigan Auto Law
(248) 353-7575 $$$
Jan 13, 2024
The one person I was extremely impressed with was Chris Hunter. I felt he was genuine and throughly did the utmost job trying to get me the maximum results for my case. He was friendly and my husband and I felt very comfortable with him. We had a lot of confidence in Chris and would give him a Five Star PLUS rating. We would highly recommend Chris Hunter!
Michigan Auto Law Michigan Auto Law
(248) 353-7575 $$$
Jan 12, 2024
My experience with MI Auto Law was flawless from beginning to end. After getting rear ended at a red light, I suffered multiple injuries requiring 2 corrective surgeries and endless hours of physical therapy to recover. Even in the most overwhelming of times, Josh, Jordyn, and the rest of the staff at MI Auto Law were always there to patiently and kindly guide me through, always making sure I received what I deserved. They won my case, and I couldn't be happier with the legal services they provided. Highly ...
Michigan Auto Law Michigan Auto Law
(248) 353-7575 $$$
Jan 5, 2024
I recently had the privilege of working with Jeremy Tiedt following a car accident in 2020. I cannot express enough gratitude for the exceptional service he provided. From start to finish, Jeremy demonstrated professionalism, expertise, and dedication that exceeded my expectations. One of Jeremy's standout qualities is his reliability. Throughout the process, he and his team consistently communicated with me, ensuring I was aware of all developments in my case. This transparency and responsiveness created ...
Michigan Auto Law Michigan Auto Law
(734) 622-8102 $$$
Jan 4, 2024
Michigan Auto Law Michigan Auto Law
(248) 353-7575 $$$
Dec 29, 2023
This place was such a big help for us, my husband was in an accident and we were clueless what to do, They helped us determine if we had a case or not, They were very honest,upfront,kind ,and down to earth, and seemed to truly care about their potential clients if we had a case or not. If you ever find yourself in a position like us just call questions are free! Thanks, Mark and Patricia Hoffman
Michigan Auto Law Michigan Auto Law
(248) 353-7575 $$$
Dec 29, 2023
I can't speak highly enough about Michigan Auto Law and my experience with Christopher Hunter and his team (including Jordan Barkey, Eileen Kelly, and LaTrice Watson). Chris fought endless battles with iniquitous insurance companies and opposing lawyers lacking moral turpitude. Jordan was very supportive when Chris was handling court matters. And Eileen and LaTrice were always available to answer questions and keep me on track with appointments and court filings. This is a well-tuned orchestra that you c...
Michigan Auto Law Michigan Auto Law
(248) 353-7575 $$$
Dec 22, 2023
I have been working with Kevin and Alex from the firm and I must say they are truly AMAZING!!! They have helped me understand everything and answered every question. I definitely would recommend this firm!!!
Michigan Auto Law Michigan Auto Law
(248) 353-7575 $$$
Dec 22, 2023
Alexander Kemp and Kevin Seiferheld have been great to work with and very professional. I think old definitely regress them to friends and family .
Michigan Auto Law Michigan Auto Law
(248) 353-7575 $$$
Dec 22, 2023
I received Exceptional service throughout my entire process! Josh, and Hordan are the best! They never let me down! I most definitely will refer anyone to them. They treat you like family! YES, I definitely recommend them!
Michigan Auto Law Michigan Auto Law
(248) 353-7575 $$$
Dec 20, 2023
Alex and Kevin are fantastic attorneys.I thought my case was going to be a little more complicated then it was but,they got the job done quickly if your looking for an attorney due to an accident they are the ones to get the job done I really appreciate them taking the time to take my case on and get me the results that I needed
Michigan Auto Law Michigan Auto Law
(248) 353-7575 $$$
Dec 20, 2023
I love them 10/10 very recommended they help me fast and easy
Michigan Auto Law Michigan Auto Law
(313) 923-1603 $$$
Dec 19, 2023
Michigan Auto Law Michigan Auto Law
(248) 353-7575 $$$
Dec 19, 2023
Chris Hunter, an exceptional attorney, embodies attentiveness and expertise. His dedication to understanding my case was evident from the start, ensuring every detail was considered. His positive attitude and unwavering support instilled confidence during a challenging legal process. With his guidance, I achieved a favorable outcome, thanks to his sharp legal acumen and commitment to my case. I highly recommend Chris Hunter for anyone seeking a knowledgeable attorney.
Michigan Auto Law Michigan Auto Law
(248) 353-7575 $$$
Dec 18, 2023
Great company fast and honest.
Michigan Auto Law Michigan Auto Law
(734) 622-8102 $$$
Dec 18, 2023
This company knows what they are doing. I can not speak highly enough about this organization!
Michigan Auto Law Michigan Auto Law
(248) 353-7575 $$$
Dec 14, 2023
I had the best experience working with Michigan auto law,Kevin my attorney took care of everything and I had no stress,I would recommend this firm 100 percent,thank you for everything.
Michigan Auto Law Michigan Auto Law
(248) 353-7575 $$$
Dec 14, 2023
Christopher Hunter is amazing… would recommend to anyone!!! Absolutely awesome!
Michigan Auto Law Michigan Auto Law
(248) 353-7575 $$$
Dec 14, 2023
I would 100% recommend Michigan Auto Law to anyone looking for representation. Kevin and Alex treated us like family and worked hard to get us our settlement. They made the entire process worry free. They promptly returned my phone calls and emails. They were also extremely thorough when it came to explaining anything pertaining to the case and made sure I understood everything clearly before ending each phone call. They were happy to answer any questions or concerns that I had. They definitely made life a ...
Michigan Auto Law Michigan Auto Law
(248) 353-7575 $$$
Dec 13, 2023
I was injuired in a car crash after which i was scared for the future of myself and my family. Keven and Alex treated us like family, and made sure to put all of my worries to rest. I highly recommend michigan auto law and specifically Keven and Alex. Great communication, great representation, they will take care of you like their own. I don't honestly know how my life have turned out with out their leadership, advise, and representation. Thanks to them I feel I have my life back. I'll never be able to...
Michigan Auto Law Michigan Auto Law
(248) 353-7575 $$$
Dec 12, 2023
My wife was involved in a car accident about a year and half ago and she was injured, so we called Michigan auto Law, and they handled our case. from the start to the end they were very concerned about my wife's health and kept checking on her all the time to see how she was doing. As soon as they accepted our case they got the ball rolling and sent their representative to our house with all the paperwork and explained the process from A-Z not only over the phone but also in person. The attorney assigned to...
Michigan Auto Law Michigan Auto Law
(248) 353-7575 $$$
Dec 11, 2023
I had an amazing experience with this law firm. I HIGHLY suggest getting Richard Moore as your attorney. He did an EXCELLENT job representing me and got me a fair settlementt. He knows his stuff , always returns my call promptly, and answers all of my questions completely until I understand everything. All around great attorney. Highly recommend!!
Michigan Auto Law Michigan Auto Law
(248) 353-7575 $$$
Dec 7, 2023
Kevin and Alex were very thorough. I trusted them throughout the whole process. Every question or concern I had they answered and were very helpful. 100% would recommend for anyone looking for professional legal representation.
Michigan Auto Law Michigan Auto Law
(248) 353-7575 $$$
Dec 1, 2023
Michigan Auto Law and Josh Terebelo were fantastic in working with me after I was hit by a truck while riding my bicycle in August 2022. Couldn’t be happier with the result.
Michigan Auto Law Michigan Auto Law
(248) 353-7575 $$$
Nov 28, 2023
My lawyer was very helpful and understanding. He responded fairly quickly to my messages and took the time to explain the things I didn't understand.
Michigan Auto Law Michigan Auto Law
(248) 353-7575 $$$
Nov 21, 2023
I'm so glad I went with Michigan Auto Law for my car accident. Kevin Seiferheld and Alex Kemp were fantastic. They were always there for me anytime I had a question. You can be sure Michigan Auto Law will take care of you.
Michigan Auto Law Michigan Auto Law
(248) 353-7575 $$$
Nov 21, 2023
You all Rock! They make you feel important, they don't see you as $. My Attorney Richard M. was very helpful through my process.
Michigan Auto Law Michigan Auto Law
(248) 353-7575 $$$
Nov 20, 2023
I was seriously injured in a car accident, after many referrals and several calls. I knew Michigan Auto Law was the right choice for me, being specialists in auto accidents along with their compassion and understanding made a world of a difference. My initial call put me at ease as I’ve never dealt with a lawyer, everything was very straightforward from the beginning. I was represented by Josh Terebelo who did an outstanding job getting me the settlement I deserved. He’s very communicative and patient, maki...
Michigan Auto Law Michigan Auto Law
(248) 353-7575 $$$
Nov 20, 2023
My boyfriend and I were involved in a devastating rollover auto accident in June of 2022, caused by a drunk driver. Michigan Auto Law attorney Joshua Terebelo guided us through the most devastating experience of either of our lives. We could not have navigated this horrible experience without the caring, professional assistance and reassurance of Mr. Terebelo.
Michigan Auto Law Michigan Auto Law
(248) 353-7575 $$$
Nov 20, 2023
I took comfort in the knowledge of the great reputation of Michigan Auto Law and Josh Terebelo. Each medical provider and surgeon I have dealt with since my accident verified that I had chosen the correct law firm to handle my very complicated case. Josh and my team were available at all hours for any questions or concerns I had. I am comforted to have this team to continue to handle my case for many years to come.
Michigan Auto Law Michigan Auto Law
(248) 353-7575 $$$
Nov 17, 2023
Michigan auto law came through for me every time I needed them for that I am so grateful
Michigan Auto Law Michigan Auto Law
(248) 353-7575 $$$
Nov 16, 2023
From the very beginning of the case, everyone was extremely helpful. Anything questions or concerns we had were always addressed in a quick manor. Our attorneys Alex and Kevin were great and helped us get through this process. I plan on referring other to Michigan Auto Law.
Michigan Auto Law Michigan Auto Law
(248) 353-7575 $$$
Nov 16, 2023
A friend of mine referred me to Michigan Auto Law after my crash. From start to finish my attorney Chris Hunter has been nothing short of amazing. Any time I had questions or concerns, someone was always available for me. Chris made this whole entire process seamless for me and I will always be grateful for that.
Michigan Auto Law Michigan Auto Law
(734) 622-8102 $$$
Nov 16, 2023
I have worked with Michigan Auto Law for several years. Tim Holland hands down is the best Auto accident lawyer you can find. Tim, along with the entire staff at Michigan Auto Law worked relentlessly on getting me a fair settlement after my automobile accident, when the insurance didn’t honor to pay for lost wages and medical bills. Tim worked with me day and often at night if I had concerns about my case. Ultimately this September I again won my case and was awarded a fair settlement. If you’re looking for...
Michigan Auto Law Michigan Auto Law
(248) 353-7575 $$$
Nov 14, 2023
Both Josh and Jordan were very kind. They explained the process of the case as it unfolded. They made themself available to me to the very end and even after the settlement. Words will never be able to express how glad to have them on my side.
Michigan Auto Law Michigan Auto Law
(248) 353-7575 $$$
Nov 8, 2023
Alex and Kevin were very helpful! They answered all my questions in a timely manner. Helped to receive the full amount of settlement. I would recommend anyone involved in a car accident to contact Michigan Auto Law. They are the best!
Michigan Auto Law Michigan Auto Law
(248) 353-7575 $$$
Nov 8, 2023
Right from the very beginning when I called Michigan Auto Law, I knew that I had made the best decision on choosing them. This whole process was made smooth the whole entire way from start to finish. The whole experience was just stellar over all with my attorney Chris Hunter and the staff at Michigan Auto Law. I am sure that any case that Chris takes on, current, and future, his clients will be extremely happy with him just as I am.
Michigan Auto Law Michigan Auto Law
(248) 353-7575 $$$
Nov 5, 2023
Tom and Richard handled my case and did an outstanding job. Very professional and informative from beginning to end with every step explained in a way that we could understand. All of the office staff were great as well. Their firm was recommended to me and I will be recommending them to others.
Michigan Auto Law Michigan Auto Law
(248) 353-7575 $$$
Oct 25, 2023
Alex and Kevin have been a huge blessing to have on my side. I was hesitant going into this wondering if it would even be worth their time but they had no doubts and their willingness to explain things at an easy to understand level has made the process more than worth it. Thank you for all you've done!
Michigan Auto Law Michigan Auto Law
(734) 622-8102 $$$
1,946 Testimonials
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Have You Been Injured? You May Have a Case

Are you sure the insurance company is making you a fair offer?

Reach out to Michigan Auto Law for a free consultation and sound legal advice.

Protecting the Injured Statewide

No matter where you live in Michigan, our lawyers are accessible. Our firm has four conveniently located offices and our attorneys will even drive to you.

How Much Is Your Michigan Auto Accident Case Worth?

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An Experienced Team of Attorneys

Our firm includes many of the most accomplished and respected attorneys in the state. Meet the team!

Get the Answers You Deserve

Insurance companies always try to settle auto accident claims as cheaply as possible. Find out what your case is really worth. Request your free consultation today.